Girl Scout badges, patches and awards should be presented, worn, and displayed only after Girl Scouts have completed the requirements outlined in official program materials. Girl Scouts at each level have one required thing they wear (tunic, sash, or vest) to display official pins and awards when they participate in ceremonies or officially represent the Girl Scout Movement. For girls ages 5 to 14, the normal clothes worn to display pins and awards is a tunic, vest, or sash combined with their own solid white shirts and khaki pants or skirts. Girl Scouts in high school have the option of wearing a scarf that unites their look with that of Girl Scout sisters around the world. Girl Scouts at the Daisy and Brownie levels have a full uniform ensemble available. For adult members, the unifying look is an official Girl Scout scarf (or tie for men) worn with official membership pins and combined with their own navy blue business attire.